Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Best and Hottest Rajnikant Jokes

WeN RaJnIkAnT was a student


?Teachers used to bunk class…

Once Rajnikant went to U.S. And met Pamela Anderson..he got desperate and wanted to masturbate..
So he went behind a building and did it for few minutes….

That building is now known as…


Someday Rajnikanth got angry wit her mother n threw away her dinner set

today people refer to them as flying saucer n ufo ]:)

All scientist failed bt rajnikanth did…
Q-which liquid turns solid on heating?


A astrologer was boasting himself to all the people that he can answer any question asked to him .Then one man asked him “when will rajni die”.
He answered ” I have doubt that even god can answer that question

Once rajnikanth gave kiss to his girlfriend Infront of a kid. Now the kid is known as
Emran hashmi

Once a unknown child came to rajnikants house.
When the boy entered,
rajnikant askd ‘ae kaun’?? umm ?? ummm?? :p
And today that boy is famous and known as ‘AKON’:

Once a guy winked at Rajnikant’s wife, Rajni twisted his limbs and broke his eyelid
We now know him as Baba Ramdev..

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